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Importing Projects from DoneDone Classic: Sending Invites

Note: Parts of this feature are only accessible to Account Admins and Owners only.
Note: This feature is only accessible to Account Owners only.

If you've already imported projects from DoneDone Classic to DoneDone 2, all Users with access to those projects in DoneDone Classic will now have membership to your DoneDone 2 account. However, we do not automatically send invites to those users, so you have a chance to review your imported projects before your team steps into them.

There are two ways we recommend inviting Users after the import.

Method 1: Manually send invites from the "Users" section

From the main navigation, head to the "Users" section.

Once you're there, you can individually send out registration emails to your newly imported Users by clicking the "Re-send invitation" link. (Don't worry, even though it says "Re-send", if you imported users from Classic, they never received the initial invitation 😉).

Method 2: Have your team request a new registration email

If you have a large number of imported Users, it may be easier to let your team members know they can register for DoneDone without your help.

  • If their email is managed by Google, they can simply log in via Google Auth on the homepage.
  • Otherwise, they can click the "Reset your password" link and enter their email address on the following page. This will send new users a registration email to DoneDone 2.
Ka Wai Cheung
Last updated: 
January 21, 2025