So, you've been added to DoneDone as a Guest User... welcome!

Presumably, you're a customer, internal team member, or contractor who has been invited you, for free, to collaborate with your inviter on DoneDone as a Guest User.

This page has been built to orient you on what DoneDone is, how you can use it to collaborate with whoever invited you, and what you can expect as a Guest User.
If you're a paying DoneDone User, and you want to learn more about Inviting Guest Users to collaborate with you, visit our article which includes a help video: "Guests: Everything You Need to Know".

Get Oriented!(Walkthrough)

- Intro 0:00-0:22
- Finding Your Tasks 0:22-1:00
- Switch Viewmodes 1:00-1:05
- Understanding Tasks 1:05-1:45
- For Your Business 1:45-1:55
- Outro 1:55-2:03

Get Oriented!

- Intro 0:00-0:22
- Finding Your Tasks 0:22-1:00
- Switch Viewmodes 1:00-1:05
- Understanding Tasks 1:05-1:45
- For Your Business 1:45-1:55
- Outro 1:55-2:03

Guests Use DoneDone to:

- Approve Projects & Tasks
- Keep in the loop
- Make comments
- Upload files
- Submit requests
- Update task statuses
What exactly is DoneDone? If you're confused about what exactly DoneDone is, no worries. A quick overview: DoneDone is a Project Management, Ticketing, and Shared Inbox Tool that has helped small-medium sized businesses get organized since 2009.

Feel Free to look around our homepage and learn more. Also, we have a Demo Video you can watch for a quick overview of the entire platform.

Guests Use DoneDone to:

- Approve Projects & Tasks
- Keep in the loop
- Make comments
- Upload files
- Submit requests
- Update task statuses
Trusted by Teams Worldwide
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Why did you choose DoneDone?

"DoneDone is an excellent tool for teams with varying levels of technical knowledge. Deep enough for developers but simple enough for clients...all packaged in a clean, comfortable to use UX."
Derek Fansler
VP, Director of Technology at Energy BBDO

“I'm very pleased with DoneDone. It was the first investment I made in my business, even before Microsoft Office. It keeps me organized.”
Kristen Sousa
Co-Founder at Toco Digital

You can try DoneDone for your Business

We hope this Onboarding Hub helped you learn about how you can use DoneDone as a Guest User. Your Guest account was added by your inviter for free.

You can also start a 2 week free trial to use seperately from your Guest Account for your business. No credit card needed. Just sign up for a free trial, invite your team, and start getting things done with DoneDone.

🚀 Start trial

Questions? Contact Us.