The Digital Project Manager Ranked DoneDone as Best of 2019

We recently uncorked a bottle of bubbly to celebrate our launch of DoneDone 2, as many of you have heard. And in the wake of that milestone, we are again happy to make another announcement. DoneDone has been selected by The Digital Project Manager as the Best of 2019 in a handful of different categories.

The Digital Project Manager is the leading project management blog. They provide tips, tricks, tools, inspiration, and just about everything else you can imagine to help project managers be more effective - and sane. Since they eat, sleep, and breathe project management we were delighted to hear from them about our placement as a leading app.

DoneDone's top project management rankings

Since DoneDone is useful for many different PM applications, we’ve received top rankings across these three classifications:

Many thanks to DPM, and especially our users for helping us achieve these accolades.

Speaking about acknowledgment, The Digital Project Manager Founder, Ben Aston said, “As project managers, we use an astounding variety of project management tools every day, especially in fast-moving digital agencies. So it’s great to shine a spotlight on the tools that literally save our lives and keep us from throwing our toys out of the pram and having a total meltdown! To get projects out the door, we need these tools!”

Best Marketing Project Management Software

We’ve definitely seen a growing trend of marketing agencies and internal marketing teams using DoneDone more than ever. We’ve found that it’s due to a few factors.

Firstly, it’s super easy for team members to work collaboratively on smaller tasks within a larger project. For example, let’s say that you create a project for a Christmas campaign. You can create subtasks for building social media posts, email announcements, graphic design elements, and more. Tasks and projects can be assigned to different team members and checked off as they are completed.

Secondly, DoneDone’s visual prioritization is quite popular among marketing teams. You can easily categorize tasks by the due date, or choose a color-coordinated status such as Critical, Medium, or Low priority.

Best Project Management Tool

There are literally hundreds of tools out there that could live under the “Project Management” classification. We think that DoneDone wins its high rank from its simplicity.

DoneDone was always the “Simple Issue Tracker.” Now with a slew of useful improvements in DoneDone 2, it’s still simple but useful for way more than tracking issues.Today DoneDone is used by companies of all types (from web development firms to mega-churches to local nonprofits).

Best Workflow Management Software

Where DoneDone Classic was lacking in this category, DoneDone 2 picked up the slack. We recently added Custom Workflows and Statuses as a new feature. Now, when you sign up you will get a bunch of the most common workflows already built in and configured. That’s helping many of our customers manage workflows quicker.

As the phrase “Custom Workflows” infers, you can also customize workflows that you repeat often. That way you don’t have to rebuild a workflow every time.We’ve seen other workflow management software examples on the market and honestly, they’re all way more complex than most people would want to deal with. That’s another reason why DoneDone is, and always will remain: Simple.

Best Bug Tracking Software

DoneDone has long been a favorite of web development teams as a simple bug tracker. The previous version of DoneDone (Classic) had a feature called "Public Issues" which made it easy for the public to inform DoneDone users about bugs and issues found while using client-facing apps.

With the advent of DoneDone 2, we gave Public Issues a complete overhaul and wrapped it into what is now known as the Mailboxes feature.Thanks again to the team at DPM for publishing our rankings. Looking for a new project management tool to get things done?

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