Adding Google Analytics to DoneDone accounts

This week, we'll be adding Google Analytics tracking to all DoneDone accounts. Here's why we're trying this out. We hope it answers any questions you may have about our decision.

We launched DoneDone 3 months ago last Wednesday. It's been a veritable whirlwind of feedback, feature requests, questions, responses, open dialogue, and software improvements. We think DoneDone is a much better tool now than it was even a month ago because of the great feedback we've been getting from a passionate customer base. And, for the forseeable future, we'll continue to respond directly and quickly to you guys. We take customer service very seriously.

But, we're also past that honeymoon period we were in a couple months ago when we had just a handful of paying customers. Back then, we felt we could pretty well guess what DoneDone was missing or not doing quite as well. We've had a laundry list of things we wanted to add post-launch, and much of that list is now checked off. Every decision we make now, whether it's adding new features or tweaking existing ones, comes at a much higher risk as our user base grows.

Why Analytics?
So, we want to use Analytics to get a better sense of how people are using DoneDone, what's working, and what's not working. Using this data along with the input from those of you who write us directly, we think we can make better judgments on what needs to be tweaked or added.

What exactly are we looking at?
For those of you not familiar with Google Analytics, rest assured that we won't be sending over or seeing any sensitive data in our reports. Nothing about our privacy policy will change.

We'll be able to see what pages are being accessed (an issue detail page, a project home page) but won't know what these pages contain. We'll also be tracking what percentage of you are using vCards and RSS feeds, but we won't know anything about what it contains. Analytics will give us a general sense of what's being used alot and not a whole lot so we can make better decisions down the road.

What we're doing to ensure your privacy.

  • We've disabled all options for sharing data with Google Analytics
  • By default, all DoneDone accounts run under SSL. Likewise, we are sending across all information to Google from SSL-enabled accounts through SSL as well.

If you have any questions or concerns, you know where to find us.

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