Searching issues with DoneDone

This is the third in a five-part series of articles introducing DoneDone, our simple, straightforward issue tracking tool to finish projects strong. Sign up to get a launch alert and view a quick features list at We'll be launching DoneDone within the next few days...

Today, let's talk about search. DoneDone gives you smart options for searching issues. The search feature lives in the bar just under the project name on each project's home page.

Search by a word or phrase
Type in a word or phrase, hit go, and we'll list all the issues containing those words in the title or description.

Search by issue number
We'll take you right to the issue.

Search someone else's (or an entire company's) issues
When you search someone else's issues, you can look at all the issues that they are working on. Just like your own issues, we break it down by what really matters. In the example below, we're looking at John Smith's issues in the "Internal website redesign" project.

You can see what issues are waiting on John and what issues he's waiting on from others. Also, you can see active and closed issues assigned by, or assigned to, John . Once again, DoneDone keeps the focus on people. We think that organizing issues by who's responsible for the next step is a more efficient way to digest issues during the QA process.

Similarly, you can search on an entire company's issues. Here, we just list active and closed issues.

In most cases, these options should suffice. But, for cases where you need something more particular, you can create a custom search.

Custom searches
Clicking the "Create a custom search" link in the search bar will reveal the custom search panel. In a custom search, you can search issues in a number of ways.

Want to find all high priority issues assigned to you in the last two days? Or, all issues that currently cannot be reproduced? The custom search form lets you filter issues by the following parameters - created by, assigned to, priority levels, issues statuses, creation date, and update date.

Custom searches can also be saved. By providing a name to the custom search, DoneDone will remember your search parameters next time. So, you can just go back to the project home page and select your saved custom search from the "Saved searches" dropdown list.

This is particularly useful if you have common searches you repeat over and over again. At WAM, we're frequently asked to run reports on issues from our clients. Now, anyone using DoneDone can run and rerun issue reports themselves.

Tomorrow, we'll take a look at other ways to integrate with DoneDone, from our API to Basecamp to

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