This week, we released a simple status report page for all DoneDone projects. We want it to be a quick overview instead of a detailed report. We want you to glance at it for 15 seconds and know how a project's generally going.
To get any project's status report, click the "Status report" link at the top of a project homepage.
The status reports page answers the two questions we think are most important:
The first answer is pretty self-explanatory. We just take all closed issues and divide them by all created issues to get a completion percentage. Nothing big, but knowing that 93% of issues are completed tells you that you're definitely looking downhill.
The second answer reinforces what we want issue tracking to be about. Who's responsible for what, right now? Who's waiting on what? Just like in your dashboard, a project's status report shows you a grid of each person's items waiting on them and items that they are waiting on. You can also click a box to go right to those issues.
If you have multiple companies working on a project, you can choose them in the dropdown to the right.
As always, let us know what you think! Twitter @getdonedone or post a comment.
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