Find those hard-to-find issues with global search

For DoneDone's fourth birthday later this month, we’re excited to launch global search to all of our customers. Global search gives you an alternative way to sift through your list of issues. While DoneDone already gives you a number of options to mine through your issues – either through popular filters like Issues Waiting On You, or by drilling down a particular status, due date, fixer, tester, or priority – sometimes those just aren’t the quickest routes to find exactly what you want.

Sometimes, you’re looking for “that issue where Craig uploaded that Balsamiq PDF revision” or the one where “Jen was talking about using Chrome frame on IE6.” You know something very specific about the issue, but don’t quite remember what it was called...or how it was tagged...or when it was due. Before search, there wasn’t an obvious way to go about finding this issue. This is where DoneDone’s global search really helps.

Give Global Search A Spin

Click the search icon on the upper-right corner of your DoneDone account to get started. Type in any words or phrases into the global search field, and you’ll get a list of all issues that contain those terms. You’ll even see your matching search terms highlighted in context. DoneDone will search all content within an issue, including...

  • All issue titles
  • All issue descriptions
  • All comments made on your issues
  • All file attachment names (Great for finding “that issue with the PDF!”)

In addition, the search results page will also show you a list of projects that have these matching terms. So, if your list of issues is still too big, simply drill down to a specific project.

Search results highlight matching terms, including relevant file attachment names.

Search results highlight matching terms, including relevant file attachment names.

In addition, if you click into any issue, DoneDone will send you right to the specific comment that contained your matching search term. You can also use the Previous and Next links to cycle through all other matching issues in your search. Also, if you’re inside of a single project, you can still use the global search to quickly navigate to a specific issue number. For example, just type #124 to get right to issue #124.

DoneDone Global Search vs. the Rest of the Field

We wanted our global search to be the best issue tracking search on the market. Here’s a few things you’ll get with search that you won’t find with bug trackers like FogBugz, Lighthouse, or Sifter. DoneDone’s global search...

  • Displays the search results in context for issue titles, descriptions and any comments.
  • Scans file attachment names, not just titles, descriptions and comments.
  • Links you right to a specific comment on an issue’s history thread. You won’t have to sift through a long chain of replies to figure out where the matching search term is.

We’re ecstatic to finally get global search out of development and into your hands. Let us know how your searching goes by messaging us @getdonedone, or emailing us directly.

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