Today, we added a few new features to DoneDone. This is our first upgrade of our issue tracking tool since we launched on April 15th. Here's what's new:
Toggle whether an issue comment is emailed to people.
Previously, if you added a comment, it would automatically email the other person on the issue. Now, we let you choose not to (i.e. if you just wanted to add a quick note to the issue and don't want to disturb the other person).
Adding additional recipients to release builds.
Before today, only the people who created issues in a release build were emailed that their issue(s) are ready for retest. Now, you can now pick other people to add to the email list (not just the people that have to test the issues).
"Ready for next release" doesn't stay waiting on you.
It used to be that if you fixed a bug and marked it as "Ready for next release," it would stay in your list of issues waiting on you. Many of you found this did we. Now, any issue marked "Ready for next release" does not belong as either an issue waiting on you nor them. When an administrator creates a release build, the issue will then be waiting on the creator to confirm the issue is resolved.
Adding a comment to an issue via email.
When someone posts a comment to an issue, the other person will receive an email with the new comment (this is now toggle-able as you saw above). Now, you can simply reply to the email to post back a new comment. This makes having a conversation within an issue more natural...there's no need to constantly log back into DoneDone to do this.
RSS feeds (Welcome back 2005!).
You can now subscribe to RSS feeds on a global, per-project, or individual issue basis. There are RSS links on the footers of the dashboard, project home page and also on each issue page. RSS feeds require you to login with your DoneDone credentials. This is a great way to keep up with your issue lists from your own RSS reader.
We hope you enjoy the upgrades, and keep coming to us with new ideas!
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